Friday, April 11, 2008

Whoa Baby!

So a couple days ago we noticed Kiley going crazy on her back, arching and trying her hardest to roll over, and finally she made it. It was a very exciting night. She suddenly realized she doesn't have to stay on her back and only play with whatever toys and things that are in her reach. She rolled to one side, grabbed a little toy hanging off this baby mat thing that has an overhang deal with stuff hanging from it like a mirror and lights and sounds maker. She tore one of the toys off, threw it done below her feet. She rolled back to her back, saw another toy down by her feet, and somehow rolled over and reached down there to play with her other toy by her feet, and went crazy for about 25 minutes moving around and playing with stuff that would have been out of her reach. I think it's a great thing, and I'm excited for her to start going into this next phase which should be a lot of fun. But with that comes a little apprehension. It's been kind of nice to not really have much to worry about while watching her, leave her on her back on a blanket while you run to the kitchen, or bathroom, no problem. Now, you need to make sure she'll be safe if you aren't watching her closely 100%. Mostly it's a little unsettling just to think about her becoming a little bit more independent. Sure it can make somethings a little easier, but I sort of like that she has to depend on us for everything. All said, I couldn't be happier that she's making these steps and getting stronger and smarter. I hope she doesn't stop, I also hope she doesn't stop needing mom and dad too though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So exciting! I can't believe it, she seems way too young to be doing that already.