Friday, October 2, 2009

Kiley almost 2 years old

I want to write this stuff down because I know in the future I'll want to look back to see what Kiley was going on with Kiley at almost 2 years old.

These are the things she says:
Actual Word: Blanket / Kiley says: Gankie
Actual Word: Yes / Kiley says: Yesh
Actual Word: Darla (our dog) / Kiley says: Darda
Actual Word: Please / Kiley says: Peez
Actual Words: I want / Kiley says: I yant
Actual Word: Yucky / Kiley says: Ucky
Actual Words: Thank you / Kiley says: Tank you
Actual Word: Grandpa / Kiley says: gampa
Actual Words: Here you go / Kiley says: Un go
Actual Words: Good night / Kiley says: nigh nigh
Actual Word: Book / Kiley says: Gook
Actual Word: Sorry / Kiley says: Shorry
Actual Words: I love you / Kiley says: le you
ALSO: If you ask "what's your name", she says "Kiley"

She loves to color, sing and dance. She is a girly girl! She loves dolls, shopping carts, hair bows, and hair brushes. She loves taking a bath. She loves reading. We read so many books each day. If she had her way, we would read for hours and hours. Her favorite TV show is the Backyardigans. She doesnt really watch too much TV, but its usually the Backyardigans.
Above all those things, her most favorite thing in this world are SHOES. She LOVES shoes. no joke, she wants to wear shoes at all times. in the morning, i let her pick what shoes to wear. Grandma Neener got her some PJ's that have the feets on them, and these are probably her most favorite pair of "shoes" that she has.
Kiley still can't sleep without her "gankie." She goes to bed without a fuss (occasionally we have a rough night, but most nights she goes right to bed). She always wakes up early. Well, early for me (7am)
Kiley's still small for her age. She wears size 12 month - 18 months. Size 4 shoes. She actually has a pair of jean shorts that still fit her, size 3 months! (shown in the picture above with the pink heart shirt).
Kiley eats more then a normal adult. She eats everything and almost anything. She loves fruit, bananas, strawberrys and peaches especially. She always says "I wanna cookie", but that just means she wants something to eat. She doesnt know the difference between the word: cookie and the word: food.
Shawn is determined to have her play soccer when she's older. They are working on kicking the ball and she's getting quite good. She uses her feet to kick instead of her hands now!
Kiley loves to get me the diapers and wipes to change her diaper, but after she brings me the stuff, she makes a run for it. She HATES getting her diaper changed almost as much as I hate changing it. I NEED potty training to begin, but she does not understand the concept of "going to the bathroom."
Time-out has become a daily thing for her. She likes to hit me and Hank (the dog). She used to get upset about sitting in the corner and would cry until she could come out, but now she sits in timeout and doesnt complain. She acts like she enjoys a little quiet time in the corner. Not sure she understands why she's sitting there.
One of my favorite things about Kiley is how loveable she is. She loves to hug and loves to give kisses. She'll just come up and give me a huge hug for no reason. I love it.
Kiley's birthday is next Sunday (Oct 11) and she'll be 2 years old!


BLANK said...

I love this "All about Kiley posting" Super cute!

Survis Family said...

She's absolutely awsome! You guys are great parents.

Anonymous said...

I love this post.

Glodowski said...

I seriously can not believe she is already turning 2. It is just crazy! I love her!!! I miss my KyKy and still think she should come and stay with me for a long time.

Sophia said...

She is too cute! I can't believe she is two! I love the word translations kiley style.

Lisa & Aukuso said...

Too Cute! I can't wait to be around her again and listen to her words! I can hear them in my head and it cracks me up. She is adorable!