Thursday, August 6, 2009

Funny Stuff

So, when Shawn is really tired and laying in bed trying to fall asleep, he sometimes says things that make no sense. He's 1/2 asleep and talking at the same time. After a while, I decided it might be funny to write down the things he says.

These are my favorite "Shawn" quotes from the past month.

"I miss my 'best of both worlds' hat. It was so pretty in all its bedazzled gloriousness."

"Hunny, butlers don't just build bridges on their own, we have to pay for stuff like that"

Someday, Im gonna be knighted by the queen of England. It's gonna be a happy day"


Sophia said...

that was awesome!!! Who knew tired Shawn was so entertaining??

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious! Why is Matt not entertaining? He just puts his head on the pillow and immediately falls asleep = no fun!
Miss you! xoxo

Glodowski said...

What the...
Ha Ha Ha!

Mary Ann said...

I don't believe you (after all you are Bob Ford's daughter....) No way those are real!

Unknown said...

AWESOME! I'm pretty sure if we put our minds to it we could write a pretty funny screenplay and get this stuff made into a movie!

Lisa & Aukuso said...

Remind Shawn of the time he talked to my mom and I about "the keys in the garbage can" while we were camping. And then proceeded to call me names and laugh hysterically...all while asleep. SO FUNNY!!! He may try to deny it, but my mom will confirm that it happened.

BLANK said...

I love the funny quotes, they're rockin!

Unknown said...

Michelle- check this out...start your own!