Saturday, August 7, 2010

Family Day

Shawn had today off work...the 1st Saturday in a LONG time. So, we had a family day. We woke up around 8:30am (all of us in the same bed because Kiley joined us around

We went to the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach. It was our first time going and I think I would really enjoy this place more if we went on a week day instead of a Saturday. It was just crowded and I'm not good with crowds. Kiley had a good time. Any time we saw an orange fish, she called it Nemo. In the picture below with Kiley and Shawn petting the shark, it took Kiley a LONG time before she felt safe enough to pet this shark. She really thought the shark was going to get her.

When we got home, we did some chalk art. She's such a super artist.

Then, we had a water fight. Kiley lost...big time.

It was SO nice to have this much needed family time.


Anonymous said...

You guys are so cute! She is so big now. Ok so I may be an idiot asking this but she did not really draw that right? ha ha ha I miss you!

Glodowski said...

I hope that this aquarium did not have whales and would mean that you not support the cause anymore and i would be very disappointed!

Sundquist Family said...

Heather...she did not draw the star. hahaha. She's 2.

Melissa...the aquarium does not have dolphins OR whales. Just fish and sharks and seals. No animal training of any kind happens there. Instead of animal shows (like at seaworld) the shows they put on just show how they feed and clean the animals. No "spash zone" at this aquarium.