We had our 3rd home interview on December 19th. We turned in our homework...the 31 page questionnaire, the fingerprints, a couple scantron deals, and let our case worker know that the background checks had been requested by mail to both NC and CA.
Our appointment lasted about 1 1/2 hours. Cameron Bradley read a ton of paperwork to us out loud and we had to sign documents stating that we had read and understood each thing. Things like the policy on spanking, on administering medicines, on infant adoption, etc. (Although we are not adopting an infant, the paperwork is still mandatory).
We discussed our decision regarding adopting a sibling group. At this point in our lives, we are not going to adopt a sibling group, we are only going to adopt one child right now. However, we did discuss changing our age range from 2-6. We are now considering adopting a child from the age range of 2-10. Our case worker understands that we would be more comfortable with a younger child, but if she encounters a child who would fit our family who is older than 6, she will let us know.
We were given more homework! This time we were instructed to complete a "Preference Form" which lists 4 pages of character traits we would or would not be comfortable with in an adoptive child.
We each (including Kiley) need to have a doctor's phyiscal completed.
We need to have a fire inspection completed for our house (which means we need to get up to code). Did you know you're required to have a fire extinguisher mounted on your wall? I didn't. And it is strongly suggested that we have an extinguisher upstairs as well. We also need to create an evacuation route and have it displayed somewhere in the house.
We need to move all our cleaning supplies out of reach of a small child. Which means all cleaning supplies under the sink need to be put in a cabinet up high.
All medicines need to be moved out of the kitchen area or bathroom areas and need to be kept in a lock box. We need one lock box for regular medicines that we'll have to keep in our bedroom closet, and one lock box to keep for refrigerated medications in the fridge.
We have also been given the homework assignment to create an adoption profile book. This book needs to include information about us. It's a book that has photos of us and infomation on our hobbies and our families. We need to have 20 copies of this book printed. Our case worker brought us a sample book to look at. I also did some google searching to see other sample books. I have a pretty good idea how we'll create this book, but it might be a bit time consuming. Good thing is that the book is not needed for another couple months and is not "top priority".
Cameron Bradley mentioned that we will also need to become CPR certified for the adoption process.
It looks like a lot of stuff to do, and it really is, but it's doable. Our case worker will contact us this week (I think) to set up our next appointment. Our next appointment is our final home visit. During this appointment she's going to talk to Kiley one on one. For some reason, Kiley's really excited about talking to Cameron. Well, Kiley's really excited about this whole process, so I guess it's not that weird that she's excited to talk to Cameron.
Cameron mentioned that she has a 2 year old boy who's going to be available for adoption shortly. Our adoption paperwork is not completed so we won't be able to be considered for this boy, but she said that she is still going to contact the boy's case worker and let them know that we might be a good fit for the child. It's an incredibly long shot and it's almost 100% sure we Won't get him, but she is going to submit our names anyways. I almost hated that she told us, because it's hard knowing that there's a child who would be great with us, but we won't get :( and even more upsetting knowing that if Shawn hadn't been deployed last year, we could have completed our adoption application and would be considered as a family for this little boy.
I know there will be other children and I'm hoping we won't have to wait all that long for one once our paperwork has been completed. I'm keeping a positive attitude.